This is one of the scary halloween stories. The King of cats is a folktale from the British Isles. One cold winter night, a woman sat near the fireplace with her big black cat. The woman and Old Tom, the cat, were waiting for the master of the house to return. Both of them were half asleep. It was quite late and her husband, the gravedigger, had not returned yet. Read more about The King O’ The Cats.

Then, suddenly the front door swung open. The gravedigger stood motionless as if he had seen a ghost. He looked pale. “Who is Tommy Tildrum?” he asked his wife breathlessly. “What is the matter dear?” the wife asked, “And why do you want to know who this Tom Tildrum is?” “I have had such an adventure,” he told his wife. “I was digging old Mr. Fordyce’s grave, when I think, I fell asleep. I woke up when I heard a cat meow!”

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As soon as he said that, Old Tom mewed in a similar manner. “Yes,” the gravedigger explained, “exactly like that. So, I looked over the graves, and imagine what I saw?” The wife had no answer. She did not know what had gotten into her husband. So the man continued, “I saw I saw nine black cats. Just like our Old Tom here.” He said excitedly.

So the man continued, “I saw I saw nine black cats. Just like our Old Tom here.” He said excitedly.n“They had a white spot on their chests. And imagine what they were carrying?” he asked his wife. Again the wife had no idea how to respond so she kept quiet and let him complete his story. Also read, Belling The Cat!

“The cats were carrying a coffin!” he exclaimed. “The coffin was small. And it was covered with a black velvet pall. On top of the pall, was an all gold coronet. And at every third step, the cats would meow, all together.” Old Tom mewed again. “Yes like that!” the gravedigger repeated, “As they came closer, I could see them clearly. A green light seemed to shine out there eyes.” The gravedigger stopped, their cat was looking at him.

“Look at him. It looks as if he can understand me,” he laughed and then continued. “Go on,” the wife insisted, “Ignore Old Tom.” “They kept marching towards me and mewing on at every third step.” the man continued his story. Interrupted by his cat’s mewing, “Exactly like that,” he said again. “Well, they kept walking towards me. The cats had their eyes fixed on me. then, suddenly, all of them stopped, all at once. Right in front of Mr. Fordyce’s grave.”

Interrupted by his cat’s mewing, “Exactly like that,” he said again. “Well, they kept walking towards me. The cats had their eyes fixed on me. then, suddenly, all of them stopped, all at once. Right in front of Mr. Fordyce’s grave.” He paused for a moment before continuing, “Look at Old Tom, he is looking at me just like those cats were. Well, anyway, I felt frightened when the cats were staring at me. Then one of them said to me…“

The wife gasped. “Yes one them in a squeaky voice said to me, “Tell Tommy Tildrum that Timmy Tildrum is dead.” It was quite peculiar.” finished the gravedigger. “And that is why I asked you, who Tommy Tildrum was.” “Look! Look at Old Tom!” shrieked the wife.

They found Old tom swelling up and he was staring at the gravedigger and his wife. “What- old Tim is dead?” he said to no one in particular, “Then I am the King of cats now!” he shrieked and ran up the chimney shoot. Leaving the gravedigger and his wife in shock, the King of cats was never seen again. You may also like, The Fox And The Cat.

Here is a visual depiction of one of the scary halloween stories, “The King O’ The Cats Story”. See the video story below,

   Scary Halloween Stories Video