This is one of the short funny Christmas stories the for children. “I’m too hot!” said Santa. His beard was fluffy and warm and the summer sun was boiling. “Don’t worry, Santa! I’ll just find a new face,” said Santa’s beard. And off he flew, straight on to a chef in a busy kitchen. “Hello, Chef! Can I be your beard?” asked Santa’s beard. “I’m afraid not!” said the Chef. “You’d get in a tangle with my speghetti.” “Never mind! I’ll ask someone else,” said Santa’s beard.

And off he flew straight on to a baby in a pram. “Hello, Baby! Can I be your beard?” asked Santa’s beard. “What a funny idea! Babies are much too small for beards,” said the baby’s mum. “Oh, well, I’ll ask someone else,” said Santa’s beard. You may also like to read, When Santa Lost His Ho, Ho, Ho!

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And off he flew straight on to a granny in the garden. “Hello, Granny! Can I be your beard?” asked Santa’s beard. “Definitely not!” said the granny. “I might accidentally trim you into a funny shape.” Santa’s beard wasn’t sure about that. “No, thanks, granny! I’ll ask someone else.”

And off he flew straight on to a princess in the castle. “Hello, Princess! Can I be your beard?” asked Santa’s beard. “You are a beautiful beard,” said the princess, “but I’m beautiful enough already.” “I see what you mean. I’ll ask someone else,” said Santa’s beard.

And off he flew straight on to a pirate on a creaky ship. “Hello Pirate! Can I be your beard?” asked Santa’s beard. “Arrrr… I have already got one. Thanks!” said the pirate. “Quite right!” said Santa’s beard. “I feel a bit seasick anyway.” Santa’s beard flew off over the waves, over islands, and fishing boats, for miles and miles, past all kind of creatures. Not one of them wanted a beard. Also, read How Santa Got His Job.

After a very long time, the sea turned into ice and snow started to fall. A little red lump shone in the whiteness far below. “That looks comfy! I could do with a rest,” said Santa’s beard to no one at all. “Nobody needs me,” he shouted, as he fell through the night and landed with a WHUMP! “Ow! Who’s that bashing me on the bottom?” said the red lump. “I’m Santa’s beard! I’m cold and lonely and nobody needs me!” said Santa’s beard.

“My lovely beard! I’m so glad you are back!” said Santa. “My face is freezing! Will you keep the wind off my chin while I deliver these presents?” “I’d love to!” said Santa’s beard. “I think beard really suits you!” said the reindeer. “Ho, Ho, Ho! Merry Christmas!” said Santa aloud. He then went to distribute the gifts and made everyone’s Christmas as happy as always! You may also like to read, The Christmas Santa Almost Missed.

Here is a short visual depiction of one of the best short funny Christmas stories “Santa’s Beard. See the video story below,

Short Funny Christmas Stories Video