This is one of the best short moral stories for kids, Tit For Tat. There was a very rich old woman. She had lost her eyesight. She went to a doctor to get herself treated. The doctor asked the old woman, “What will I get from you if I treat you?” “Doctor, I have everything. Don’t you worry! If I get my eyesight back, I will reward you. But if I don’t get well then I won’t give you anything.” The doctor agreed and promised to get started with her treatment from the next day. Also, read Hard Work And Laziness.

The doctor started her treatment. But seeing her decorated and beautiful house, he got tempted. The old woman could not see. So, the doctor stole away all the material one by one. After stealing everything, the doctor stopped going to her house.

Tit For Tat

One day, as the God was seeing everything, he decided to give back her eyesight. Sooner or later, one fine day, the old woman got her eyesight back. She dug out the treasure from the backyard and started leading a good life. The doctor thought that he had already taken everything including money, jewelry, whatever belonged to the old woman. He thought, “I have taken everything of her.”

But when he saw the same royal standard of her living, he went and complained to the King. The old woman accepted in front of the King and said, “I did say that, if I get my eyesight back, I will reward the doctor. But I could not see anything, so why should I reward him?

My Lord, you tell me, when I lost my eyesight, my house was full of furniture, decorative pieces. But when I got my eyesight, I could see nothing in my house, not even a vessel. Then how can he say that I have got my eyesight back? If I can see, where are my belongings?”

The King freed the old woman and ordered the doctor to return all her belongings. Also, read United We Stand Divided We Fall Story.


Here is a visual depiction of one of the best short moral stories for kids, “Tit For Tat”. See the video story below,

Tit For Tat Story Video