Category Archives: Aesop’s Fables

fables with morals

The Hen And The Fox

This is one of the great fables with morals for toddlers. Once upon a time, there lived a hen on a farm. Now, all the others had gone back to their shelter, and only one hen remained. This hen went about pecking and eating grains.

short story fables

The Ant and the Fly

This is the amazing short story fables for kids to read. Once upon a time, an ant and a fly were in a middle of an argument. This bitter argument happened because they wanted to know who was more important. Now, the fly happened to

fables stories

The Grateful Eagle

This is one of the awesome fables stories for kids. A farmer was working in the fields on a very hot summer day. He heard a flapping sound in the distance. “What could that sound be?” he wondered. The farmer stopped his work and went

aesop's fables stories

The Lion In Love

This is one of the Aesop’s fables stories about a lion who used to live in a jungle near a village. One day, he sees a very beautiful maiden. Immediately, he falls in love with her. He goes straight to the girl who is standing with her

story of woodcutter

Story Of Woodcutter And Good Deed

This is the story of woodcutter for kids. One cold and windy winter day, a woodcutter was on his way back home from the woods, carrying a big bundle of chopped wood. The long, sharp axe he used to chop wood was attached to his belt.

pot story

The Two Pots

This is an amazing Pot Story for kids.A lady goes to buy pots with her family. From there, she brings two pots. The two pots live together in a nice house. One of them was strong and was made of brass. The other was weak and

lion story for kids

The Man And The Lion

This is one of the most amazing Lion Story For Kids to read. Long, long time ago, a man and a lion are good friends. They are walking in the forest. Thew man is strong and brave and so the lion is. Soon, the man

aesop fable for kids

The Blind Man And The Lame Man

This is one of the best aesop fable for kids to read. Once upon a time, not that long ago, two men met under certain bad circumstances. One of the men was blind and the other one was lame. That day, the blind man who

The Bees And The Beetles

This is one of the great aesop tales for kids to read. Once upon a time in a jungle full of various kinds of trees, lived many bees and beetles. At first, they were not too fond of each other. They hardly ever talked. But

the cat and the rat story

The Cat And The Rat Story

This is The Cat And The Rat Story for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a cat. This cat was extremely watchful when it came to catching rats. It was so watchful that if a rat so much as showed it’s whiskers, it was

scorpion and the frog story

Scorpion And The Frog story

This is the Scorpion and the Frog story for kids to read. Once upon a time, near a river lived a scorpion. The scorpion lived in a cave. One day the scorpion decides to leave his cave. “It is far too dark and dingy. I can’t

short fables for kids

A Father And His Two Daughters

This is one of the awesome short fables for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a father with two daughters in a village. The elder daughter’s name was Elena and the younger daughter’s name was Selena. He loved his daughter very much and gave

dog in the manger

The Dog In The Manger Short Story

This is The Dog In The Manger Short Story for kids.It was a very hot and sunny afternoon. To get rid of the heat, the dog came inside the manger and laid on the pile of hay that was stuck inside. Soon, a hungry ox saw

fable stories for kids

The Moon And Her Mother

This is one of the amazing fable stories for kids. High up in the sky, the moon always shone with brightly in the night sky. Of all the things in the sky, the moon always had been the prettiest of all. Night after night, the moon

short fables

The Swallow and the Crow

This is one of the best short fables with morals for kids. Once upon a time, in a huge tree in a forest lived a beautiful swallow. Though the swallow was beautiful, it was extremely proud of its beauty. “Look at my beautiful feathers,” the

fable stories

The Young Crab And His Mother

This is one of the great fable stories for kids. On a white sand beach near the blue ocean, there lived a mother crab and a baby crab.The small baby crab was walking sideways. The mother crab was watching from a distance and said to

short story for kids with moral lesson

The Cat-Maiden

This is a great short story for kids with moral lesson. Once upon a time, the gods Venus and Jupiter had an argument. The subject matter of such an argument was, whether a living being can change its nature. Jupiter, the God of light told

fables for children

The Dancing Monkeys

This is the dancing monkeys story for kids to read. Once upon a time, there lived a prince. The prince was fond of various things and liked to do things differently. One day, he decided to train a troop of wild monkeys. So, the monkeys

short story once upon a time

The Mischievous Dog

This is the short story once upon a time of, “The Mischievous Dog” to read for kids. Once upon a time, a man had a pet dog. To his demise, the dog was as ill-mannered as he was mischievous. The dog had an awful habit of creeping

aesop fables story

Hawk and the Nightingale

This is a great aesop fables story, “Hawk And The Nightingale”. One sunny afternoon a hawk set out to search for food. He flew through the sky, looking for a suitable prey. All day he flew from one place to another, but he found nothing.  “I should