The Candles
This is one of the awesome English fairy tales which has been adapted from the great works of Hans Christian Andersen. Once upon a time, two candles came to talk to each other. One was made out of wax, and it was big and majestic
This is one of the awesome English fairy tales which has been adapted from the great works of Hans Christian Andersen. Once upon a time, two candles came to talk to each other. One was made out of wax, and it was big and majestic
This is one of the best short fairy tales for kids. Once upon a time, there lived many beautiful fairies in the Fairyland which was situated in the heaven. Among all, there were two prettiest fairies named Rosette and Annette. After finishing their schooling in
This is one of the great fairy tales stories in English which has been adapted from the works of Charles Perrault. Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there lived a queen. After trying for to have a child for many years, she
This is an awesome fairy tale for kids for kids. Once upon a time, there were two step-sisters who lived together. One was called Kumba Am because her mother was still alive. The other was called Kumba Amul for she had lost her mother. Kumba
This is one of the best English fairy tales stories for kids. Susie was very fond of her Granny. Each day, when Susie got home from school, Granny was always there sitting by the fire knitting. Granny knitted so fast that sometimes it seemed as
This is one of the most amazing small fairy tales for kids. “Goodness me, what a lot of dirt and dust there is all over the kitchen floor,” said the maid. She was a very house-proud maid and didn’t like dirt and dust on her floor
This is an awesome Short Fairy Tale for kids. Far above in the heaven, there was a Fairyland. There lived many fairies. Some were beautiful, some were ugly; some were good and some were bad. Amongst them, there was a fairy named Tania. She was an
This is one of the original fairy tales for kids to read. Once upon a time, there was a widow who had three sons. They wanted to get married soon but in the village, there wasn’t a girl as they wanted. An old woman lived in
This is one of the amazing stories about fairies and magic for children. Once upon a time, there was an Egyptian girl who was named Cleopatra. She was very lonely as she always had top stay in the palace to be safe. She wanted to have an
This is one of the very short fairy tales for kids. Many, many years ago, in a kingdom far, far away there lived a beautiful princess. She had a great longing for red roses and so she was called Princess Rose. She had beautiful red
This is one of the best fairy tale bedtime stories for kids.Once upon a time in a kingdom that was happy and prosperous lived an unhappy king and queen. “If only we had a child we would be happy,” the kind would wonder. But many years passed
This is one of the most amazing short stories about brothers to read.Once upon a time, there lived three brothers in the castle. The Princes would love to explore new things and so all of them decided to set out in search of adventures. Both the
This is The Tin Soldier story which has been adapted from Hans Christian’s, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”. Once upon a time, a little boy received a wonderful present. This present had a troop of twenty-five tin soldiers, red and blue in color and stood tall
This is Three Billy Goats Gruff Story. Once upon a time, there lived three billy goat brothers. Gruff they were called. These three brothers lived together on a green grassy hill. But soon enough, the three brothers had munched away all the grass on their
This is one of the popular fairy tales for kids. A little bluebird was born in the nest of a big tree. He grew fast. “Why don’t you go and learn how to fly with your brother and sister? Don’t you wonder what is out
This is The Magic Paintbrush Story. Everyday Ho, a poor boy looked after a rich farmer’s cattle. He took hay to the field. The farmer did not pay him much. Ho had only dry bread to eat. One day, a very thin, old man came up
This is one of the best short fairy tales for kids and has been adapted from the works of Hans Christian Andersen. Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, a contest was set up. And as a reward, the winner of the contest would
This is one of the amazing kids fairy tales. A long, long time ago, in a forest far from land, lived an old widow with her daughter and step-daughter. The step-daughter was left in the old widow’s care after her father had died. Unlike the
This is one of the awesome children’s fairy tales to read. Once upon a time, there lived a man with strange eyes. One of the man’s eyes was always smiling and the other always wept. The man had three sons, though the third son was awfully
This is one of the amazing fairy tale stories for kids. Once upon a time, a king had three sons, who were brave and capable. The king loved his sons. But, some of the courtiers told the king that his sons were eager to wear