This is one of the best short moral stories for kids. An oak tree stood tall and strong near the bank of a river and close to some reeds. It was a huge tree with a huge trunk and hundreds of big, strong branches. The oak tree was so proud that he used to boast openly about his strength. “I am so strong and mighty! Nothing can uproot me! Nothing can destroy me!” said the oak tree proudly. Listening to what the oak tree was saying the reeds couldn’t resist but say, “Oh! Mighty Oak tree, don’t be so proud of your strength.Nothing in this world is immortal. Being modest is the key.”

“Ha! Ha! Ha! You little feeble reeds! What do you know about the strength and being the strongest tree in the jungle?” laughed the Oak tree. Making fun of those reeds, the oak tree stood there with pride when suddenly the wind started to blow. The reeds bowed their heads as the wind started getting stronger. Watching this, the Oak tree said, “You are so petite and weak! The slightest of winds make you bow your heads. How would you survive the strongest of storms. Ha! Ha! Ha!”

short moral stories for kids Image Source

Soon the winds turned into a hurricane and the oak tree standing straight with pride continued to laugh at the reeds. “Oh tree! You might be big and strong but you need not worry about us. We will bow our heads in this powerful hurricane and survive it. If you will continue standing straight, you will not be able to survive in these strong winds and break in no time,” said the wise reeds.

“No! Nothing can uproot me! I am the strongest and will continue to stand tall and never bow down no matter what.” said the arrogant tree. The winds got more furious and soon the hurricane took it’s peak. The little reeds kept their heads bow and started swinging in the rhythm of the wind preventing themselves from getting uprooted. But the Oak tree which stood straight and tried fighting the hurricane winds soon broke down and fell in the river.

“No! This is not possible,” cried the tree. “See we told you. You just learnt a lesson. Better to yield when it is foolish to resist, than to resist stubbornly and be destroyed!” said all the reeds. The Oak tree went drifting in the water crying over his own false pride.


Here is a short visual depiction of this short moral stories for kids “The Oak Tree And The Reeds“. See the video story below,

The Oak Tree And The Reeds Story Video
