The Jackal’s Spell

This is one of the best indian folk tales for kids to read. Once upon a time, there lived a scholar Brahmin. One day, he was reciting a spell which once cast would make anyone subdue to the caster. Now, a jackal hiding nearby learnt the spell as well. Learning it, the jackal overpowered all the beasts of the forest and became their king. You may also like to read, Tenali Raman And The Proud Priest.

Then, amassing all the animals and himself riding a lion who stood atop two elephants, he marched towards the town. When the town guards saw the animals coming, they closed the town gates. Standing before the gates the jackal shouted, “Give up your kingdom, or fight.” Hearing this, the townspeople were troubled. But after hearing the jackal’s war cry, the scholar Brahmin climbed the town’s highest tower and cried, “How will you conquer this realm?”

indian folk tales

Image Source–> Hearing this, the townspeople were troubled. But after hearing the jackal’s war cry, the scholar Brahmin climbed the town’s highest tower and cried, “How will you conquer this realm?” “I will cause the lions to roar, and their roar shall frighten all. That is how I shall take the realm!” Hearing this, the scholar quickly had it proclaimed that everyone in the town should stuff their ears with flour and to do likewise their animals.

The proclamation was quickly followed. The proud jackal, at once commanded the lions to roar. Hearing lion’s roar, the elephants were terrified and they dropped the lion from their back and the jackal, who got trampled upon. Meanwhile,  the scared animals rushed back to the forest. Once more, peace was restored both in the town and in the forest.