Jataka Tales

Elephant And Dog Story

This is the Elephant And Dog Story In English. Once upon a time, there was a royal elephant that used to recite at the premises of the King’s palace. The elephant was very dear to the King. So he was well fed and well-treated. There was a dog who used to live in the neighborhood of the elephant’s shed. He was very weak and skinny. He was always fascinated by the smell of the rich sweet rice being fed to the royal elephant.

One day, the dog could not resist the aroma of the rice and somehow he sneaked into the elephant’s shed. The dog ate the sweet rice that fell from the elephant’s mouth. He liked the rice so much. He started coming daily to eat the rice. For days, the huge elephant didn’t notice a small dog as he was busy enjoying the delicious food. Also, read The White Elephant.

elephant and dog story in english

Image Source@ play.google.com. Gradually, the dog became bigger and stronger by eating such rich food. He came under the notice of the elephant. The elephant used to enjoy the company of the dog and started sharing his food with him. Both of them also started sharing time with each other. And soon, they made good friends. They ate together, slept together and play together. It didn’t take long when neither of them was happy without the other. They became great friends and didn’t want to get separated from each other.

Then, one day, a man saw the dog and asked the elephant keeper, “I want to buy this dog! What price do you seek for the dog?” The elephant keeper didn’t own the dog. Still, he sold the dog and extracted some of the money out of this deal.

The man took the dog to his home village which was quite far away. The King’s elephant became very sad after this incident. He missed his friend a lot and started neglecting everything. He didn’t want to do anything without his dear friend. So he stopped drinking, eating and even bathing. You may also like to read, The Greedy Dog Story.

Ultimately, the elephant keeper reported this to the King. However, he didn’t tell anything about the dog. The King had a wise minister who was known for his understanding of animals. At once, the King asked the Minister, “Go to the elephant shed and find out the reason for the elephant’s condition!” The intelligent Minister went to the elephant’s shed and found the elephant very sad. He looked elephant all over and asked the elephant keeper, “There’s nothing wrong with this elephant’s body! Then, why does he looks so sad? I think this elephant is grief-stricken! Possibly due to the loss of the dear friend.”

The elephant keeper told the Minister, “There was a dog who used to eat, sleep and play with him. He had been taken by the stranger three days ago!” The Minister went back to the King and said, “Your Majesty, as per my opinion, the royal elephant is not sick, but he is lonesome without his dear friend, the dog.” “Do you know where the dog is?” asked the King. “Elephant keeper informed that a stranger took him away and he didn’t know about his whereabouts!”

“How can we bring back my elephant’s friend and make him happy again?” the King asked. “Your Majesty, make a declaration that whoever has the dog that used to live at the royal elephant’s shed will be penalized,” advised the Minister. The King did the same and the man who took the dog instantly turned him loose when he heard the proclamation.

When the dog was free, he ran back as fast as he could be reached the elephant’s shed. The elephant was so delighted to see the dog that he picked his friend with his trunk and made him sit on his head. The dog wags its tail while the elephant’s eyes sparkled with happiness. The King was contented to see the happy elephant once again. He also rewarded the Minister for his wise judgment. Both the elephant and the dog lived happily ever after. Also, read Elephant And Ant Story.


Here is a visual depiction of  “Elephant And Dog Story In English. See the video story below,

Elephant And Dog Story In English Video