This is A Glass of Milk Story for kids. Once upon a time, there was a poor boy who made for his living by selling newspapers from door-to-door. This was the way he used to earn money to pay the fees for his school.

One day, as he was walking from house to house distributing newspapers, as usual, he felt very low and was starving. He felt that he could not walk anymore. He was so hungry that he decided to ask for food at one of the houses. As he knocked on the door, he was astonished to see a beautiful young girl opening the door. Also, read Love And Time Story.

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With much hesitation, he asked the girl for a glass of water. The young girl immediately understood the poor boy’s condition and offered him a huge glass of milk. With a surprising look, the boy drank the milk and thanked the pretty girl. The Newspaper boy asked, “How much do I owe you for this milk?” “I don’t want any money for this,” replied the girl in a very soft voice. The boy once again thanked the girl with all his heart and left the place.

Many years passed by. The young girl grew up. Unfortunately, in her youth, she fell ill with a very serious problem. The poor girl was diagnosed with the rarest kind of nervous disorder. Many knowledgeable doctors were perplexed at her condition. As her condition was getting serious day by day, she was admitted to the top hospital with the most advanced facilities. You may also like to read, Money Can’t Buy Everything.

There was a renowned neuro specialist named Dr. Kevin. He was specially called in by the hospital doctors to examine her. Even with his extraordinary expertise, Dr. Kevin found the girl’s illness very hard to cure. However, with diligence and hard work that lasted months, he was finally able to cure her disease. With careful treatment and monitoring, the girl was finally cured of that disease.

All the doctors praised him for his hard work. However, the girl was quite worried about how much the hospital bill would come to. Her family had just a little money kept away in the bank, which was by no means enough to pay for such a long treatment in that reputed hospital. Also, read Gold Coins And A Selfish Man.

When the girl was given the hospital bill finally, she was completely surprised. With shivering hands, she opened the bill. She was astonished to see that the bill had been crossed out and canceled, and inside the bill, there was a note underneath signed by Dr. Kevin. “Bill paid years ago with a glass of milk!” the note said.


Don’t forget to check out the printable version of this story on Pinterest from here.

Here is a short visual depiction of the “A Glass of Milk Story”. See the video story below,

A Glass of Milk Story Video